organic fertilizers
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Удобрение органическое

100% органический состав

50 л
330 ₽
Удобрение органическое

100% органический состав

20 л
165 ₽
Удобрение органическое

100% органический состав

5 л
70 ₽
Удобрение органическое

Классическое, Для огурцов, Для томатов

1000 мл
60 ₽
Удобрение органическое

Краткое описание, не больше 2 строк 2

5 л
140 ₽

Filling without cost and container

1000 мл
от 6 000 ₽

Краткое описание, не больше 2 строк

1000 мл
от 3 500 ₽
Recycling system

A unique technology of recycling and neutralization of domestic, storm, industrial, agricultural wastewater and sludge (manure)


The main component for the production of fertilizers is organic matter (chicken manure, cattle manure and by-products of the processing of elevators). An innovative production technology allows to decompose organic substances into simpler (biogenic forms) and disinfects from pathogenic microflora (sterile biomass at the outlet). No "chemistry" or GMOs are used in the production process. Thanks to this, the fertilizer is environmentally friendly to the biocenosis and soil. And the resulting products are environmentally friendly and do not contain substances harmful to human health.

The system for processing waste from livestock complexes and poultry farms, developed and put into operation by our company, it allows not only to solve the environmental problem of the enterprise, but also to get additional profit from the sale of the obtained organic fertilizers.

Organic substance
Components and characteristics

A highly concentrated product with an active ingredient (potassium humate) content of 95-97%, with a set of trace elements. It has the properties of an adaptogen and an antistressant.

Hay bacillus

Participates in plant bioprotection (late blight, phomosis, ascochitosis ...)


Protects against diseases of the root system (alternaria, anthracnose, white / gray rot, verticillosis, pityosis, rhizoctonia ...).

Organic substance

Poultry manure, cattle manure and grain elevator by-products processed by innovative equipment.

Our fertilizers contain nutrients in an easily digestible form
in accordance with GOST
  Nitrogen Phosphoric acid Potassium oxide Calcium oxide Application rate in kg / m²
"Zhigulevskie udobreniya" 1,63% 1,54% 0,85% 2,4% 2-10
Horse manure 0,5-0,6 0,25-0,3 0,5-0,6 0,2-0,25 6-12
Cattle manure 0,4-0,5 0,2-0,25 0,5-0,6 0,4-0,45 7-14
Chicken manure 1,5-1,8 1,5-1,6 0,8-0,9 1,4-1,6 2-4
Methods of purchase and delivery

Prices are individually negotiated with wholesale buyers


Prices are indicated on the terms of self-pickup from the manufacturer's base with 100% prepayment. Possible delivery service by agreement.


You can purchase products at the enterprise or in shops.

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